Scott B.
6 min readFeb 2, 2021

And then there were 6. Trysta Krick was Trysta-bbed in the back and became the latest blogger to get voted off and let me tell you, it was uncomfortable. To be honest, the whole episode was full of things that were tough to watch in their own way. With the bar being set so high after episode 1 it was hard to imagine episode 2 would hold serve, but it most certainly did.

Tough to watch- “Wish you weren’t so awkward bud’

Tommy tying his shoes. Tommy was getting dominated by both the shoe laces and his lack of flexibility. I was hoping a kindergarten teacher was going to pop in and say ‘Aw, let me help you with those’ but we just had to watch it happen. I feel like the main reason people go leg up sideways to tie is because their large stomach is too much of a hindrance to go for a straight bend to the feet, so they have to come in at an angle. In Tommy’s case, I have no explanation.

Tough to watch- “Im laughing at your expense”

Sherlock Chickenfry searching for the NAV Idol. Girl, Tommy Winks found this Idol before the competition even started. Watching Brianna look high and low around the office for a clue when it’s in Tommys book bag already was too good. Mix in Tommy playing coy as if the idol is still somewhere floating around the office and too good becomes perfect.

Tough to watch- “I’m going to puke”

Episode 2's competition was just about as gross as they can get. That son of a bitch Jeff Vibbert popping up from out of nowhere like a cold sore just had to be devastating to the contestants. When Vibbs is around, so is something vile and disgusting, this time it was 4 things. Thick Water, Century Egg, Swedish Fish gut and Pork Brains. All four things equally foul in their own way. Watching Vibbs fill pint glasses with Thick Water like he was Tom Cruise from Cocktail was bad enough, but that was just scratching the surface on what was to come. Kelly and Trista were the first two eliminated when they couldn’t take down the thick water. After that Donnie and Zah were the only two who could stomach the Century Eggs. Tommy went with the mush into every nook and cranny of my teeth method before spitting out a mouthful of bird shit. Get the guy some orbit. Donnie and Zah are such absolute savages that the Swedish Fish guts, the guts that stunk up an ENTIRE office, that had people gagging from a football field away, wasn’t disgusting enough for them, so it was a pork brains race to the finish and Zah won by fish bone thin margin to get the immunity necklace and a night in the NAV lounge. Zah being the standup guy that he is, brought Donnie with him.

Tough to watch- “I’m cringing”

The tribal council. Throughout the episode the Trsyta seemed to be the driving force behind the alliance to vote off Donnie. Everyone was in. Donnie was too good and needed to go. Insert the most diabolical wink of all time by Tommy Smokes. A wink that will live on in Barstool history. After seeing that wink I just knew it wasn’t going to be written in stone that the Wonton Don was on his way out.

Watching the vote after vote come in for Trysta was PAINFUL. It was like Cowboy the episode before except this time it wasn’t funny, it was excruciating. And so were the scenes to follow. Trysta was clearly blindsided by the backstabbing. She was clearly upset. It is such a ridiculous dynamic to this series that everyone knows everyone. There are certainly going to be alliances formed but you almost can’t be the driving force behind them, then you become the one with your target on the back inside the alliance.

It is one thing to conspire with people you have never met before and have them drive a knife into your back, it’s another thing for it to happen with people you know and work with everyday. It is truly revolutionary in terms of reality TV.

The remaining 6:

Zah- The winner of the immunity necklace. Stomach lined in steel. Personality that avoids being a major target early on. If Zah has the sandpaper in him when things get gritty towards the end, he will have a legit shot.

Donnie- Trysta was correct. Donnie is a gangster. Donnie is a different breed. The rest of the group may look back and say wow, Trysta was right. Donnie surviving a night when he was in serious talks of being voted out means something went down that didn’t make it off the cutting room floor. At some point there was a meeting, without Trysta, to move the vote from Donnie to her. Donnie is still a threat, and the others are clearly fine with conspiring against him to some degree, we will see if he is the “fan favorite” gone after episode 3.

Kelly Keegs- DIABOLICAL. Kelly is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I think she would conspire against her mother if it meant winning this thing. She may be on the verge of going full heel too. It’s a dangerous game however. I called Tysta shameless before this started, I may have placed that tag on the wrong person.

Brianna Chickenfry- Don’t let Brianna looking for an Idol that’s not there fool you. Brianna is just enough aloof, just enough friendly, and just enough conniving where she may have everyone in the palm of her without them even knowing. She isn’t as threatening as other contestants, she isn’t as vocal as other contestants. She is currently Mac playing both sides so he always comes out on top. The biggest factor for Chickenfry, will she be able to win a challenge at some point to ensure her immunity?

Nick- I hope Nick makes it to the end, and then does Surviving Barstool season two. Nick is so goddamn funny. The way he toes the line between bit and reality is remarkable and him calling his mother to confirm his method of defecating, AND HER CONFIRMING IT was pure gold. The best part about it, I still don’t know if that’s his mom or some couple who Nick has on hand to answer those questions. Also Nick eviscerating Cowboy without directly mentioning Cowboy had me in stitches. Also the cameo by the other cheek of ANUS, KB, after Trysta was eliminated was incredible. I still can’t figure out why KB always looks wet though.

Tommy- Tommy not even being remotely on the radar of the other contestants as someone to vote off is infuriating. Tommy is the Survivor Barry Bonds yet the pitchers keep grooving him one down the pipe. How they did not vote him off last night when he once again didn’t have immunity is just beyond me and another feather in Tommy’s cap.

This series is an absolute freight train just gaining steam. It cannot be said enough how incredibly it is produced. KFC is putting on a hosting clinic. Being able to drop a “Grab your bags and get the fuck out of here” in cold blooded fashion after someone just got their heart ripped out is a talent. It’s a talent that comes from a deep and dark place, but still an amazing talent. I am fully hooked on Surviving Barstool and the rest of the week should be all sorts of fun. Viva.



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